Innovation for the Earth - リマテックホールディングス株式会社 -

Building zero-waste infrastructure through open innovation

Message from the President

With a sufficient number of countries having agreed to its target emission levels and other conditions, the Paris Agreement entered into force on November 4, 2016, prior to its ratification by Japan. The world is now set to revolutionize existing socio-economic values in a dramatic pivot toward decarbonization by setting ambitious goals that go beyond conventional wisdom.
For instance, following a meeting held by its ruling and opposition parties to discuss a policy for switching to green energy vehicles completely by 2025, Norway is reported to be moving ahead with preparations to completely ban the sale of gasoline and diesel vehicles.
Indeed, similar reports from other parts of the world highlight the fact that a major paradigm shift is taking place at this very moment.
The REMATEC Group has set a medium- to long-term management vision of transitioning into a corporate group that plays a leading role in supporting the use of zero-waste infrastructure in society.
This initiative is faithful to our corporate mission of using eco-innovation to address social challenges, as well as our corporate slogan of “Innovation for the Earth.” By leveraging ideas derived from our wealth of experience to bring about this innovation while also pursuing coexistence and coprosperity with the communities in which we operate, we aim to ensure that our corporate group remains a trusted and indispensable community member.
To build zero-waste infrastructure, we need to pursue open innovation not only within our own corporate group, but also in partnership with like-minded companies, NPOs, and other organizations. The REMATEC Group will continue to collaborate with its domestic and international partners toward achieving this shared goal.
We also aim to retain the trust of all of our stakeholders by working to ensure the professional development and happiness of all our employees, while continuing to pursue coexistence and co-prosperity with local communities.
Going forward, we hope that we will continue to enjoy the support of all of our stakeholders.

Yasunori Tanaka
President and CEO
REMATEC Holdings Corporation

Innovation for the Earth

Group management philosophy

Our goal is to contribute to the establishment of a sustainable
society by utilizing REMATEC Group's technology to recycle
various materials.

Building the society we envision
A society where people can live safely and comfortably
A sustainable society where both "environment" and "economy" coexist
A recycling society that can harmonize with the principles of nature

Fulfilling corporate roles and social responsibilities
Pursuing value creation
Taking responsibility for the effects of organizations on society
Contributing to solutions to social challenges


Focusing on two key business domains where the REMATEC Group helps solve regional
challenges and creates a bright future

The backgrounds and causes of environmental problems vary greatly from one country or territory
to another. In order to help solve environmental problems, the REMATEC Group focuses on two businesses: resource recycling and renewable energy. It works flexibly to meet challenges based on a hard look at what local communities will be like in the future.

About us


REMATEC Holdings Corporation
Headquarters 11-1 Jizohama-cho, Kishiwada-shi, Osaka 596-0015, Japan
Phone +81-(0)72-438-4146 Fax +81-(0)72-422-3809
Chairman Masatoshi Tanaka
President Yasunori Tanaka
Executive Vice
Hisakazu Chujo
Director Daisuke Ito
Chairman Masatoshi Tanaka
President Yasunori Tanaka
Executive Vice
Hisakazu Chujo
Director Daisuke Ito
Capital 100, million yen
of business
Affiliated company business management and business pertaining

11-1 Jizohama-cho, Kishiwada-shi, Osaka

Group List

  • ■Re:CS RF Co.,Ltd.

    Headquarters and Osaka Plant 11-1 Jizohama-cho, Kishiwada-shi, Osaka 596-0015, Japan
    Phone +81-(0)72-438-6434 Fax +81-(0)72-422-3617
  • ■REMATEC R&D Corporation

    Headquarters 4-2-4 Chikko-Shinmachi, Nishi-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka 592-8331, Japan
    Phone +81-(0)72-280-0525 Fax +81-(0)72-280-0526
  • ■REMATEC KYUSHU Corporation

    Headquarters and Kyushu Plant 906 Notsumachi Miyakobaru, Usuki-shi, Oita 875-0211, Japan
    Phone +81-(0)974-32-7721 Fax +81-(0)974-32-7731
  • ■RTT Corporation

    Headquarters 4-2-4 Chikko-Shinmachi, Nishi-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka 592-8331, Japan
    Phone +81-(0)72-280-0672 Fax +81-(0)72-280-0673
  • ■REMATEC TOHOKU Corporation

    Headquarters 2-3 Kameida, Akasaki-cho, Ofunato-shi, Iwate 022-0007, Japan
    Phone +81-(0)192-47-3526 Fax +81-(0)192-47-3527